JetPack Joyride
A downloadable game
Jetpack Joyride Project Description
Game Title: Jetpack Joyride Clone
Group Members: Lubabalo Dlwathi, Christopher Ridley, Omphile Matsobe, Zeenat Cassim
Jetpack Joyride is a side-scrolling endless runner game where players navigate through an endless series of obstacles while collecting coins. Our group chose to clone this game to better understand its intricate systems and mechanics, allowing us to enhance our skills in game development.
Project Roles:
- Lubabalo Dlwathi: Lead Programmer – Responsible for implementing core gameplay mechanics, including player movement and obstacle behavior.
- Christopher Ridley: Level Designer – Focused on level generation, background transitions, and balancing the game's difficulty.
- Omphile Matsobe: UI/UX Designer – Developed the user interface, ensuring it was intuitive and engaging, while implementing feedback systems for mission completion.
- Zeenat Cassim: Technical Documenter – Compiled technical documentation and managed version control using GitHub, ensuring effective collaboration among team members.
Gameplay Mechanics and Systems:
1. Player Movement: Players control the character's ascent and descent using mouse clicks or keyboard inputs, requiring a delicate balance between upward force and gravity.
2. Level Generation: Background pieces move from right to left, spawning obstacles that increase in frequency and difficulty as players progress.
3. Mission System: Players complete various missions that enhance gameplay, such as collecting Spin Tokens or flying above obstacles, introducing secondary challenges.
4. Shop System: Players can purchase power-ups using collected coins, enhancing gameplay through shields and extra lives.
5. Obstacles: Various obstacles, such as zappers and missiles, challenge players' skills and increase the game's difficulty as they progress.
Technical Implementation:
- Unity Version: 2021.3.19f1
- Version Control: Utilized GitHub for collaborative development, creating separate branches for testing and merging to maintain code integrity.
This project aims to replicate and understand the mechanics of Jetpack Joyride, enabling our team to enhance our game development skills while creating an engaging and challenging game experience.
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